The Art Shanty Projects is a unique and beloved annual winter event held on frozen Lake Harriet in Minneapolis. It transforms an icy landscape into an artistic village, where artists...
U.S. Bank Stadium is opening to runners and inline skaters on Tuesday and Thursday evenings this winter! Winter Warm-Up is open to all ages and will be held on the...
Hockey will be played the way nature intended at the annual U.S. Pond Hockey Championships at Lake Nokomis in nearby Minneapolis. Whether you're playing in the tournament or just spectating,...
See a wide selection of boats and must-see boating attractions at the annual Minneapolis Boat Show at the Minneapolis Convention Center. Open to all ages, this event is perfect for...
The Great Northern Festival seeks to celebrate Minnesota's cold, creative winters through the arts, food and drink, and more themed events.
The Saint Paul Winter Carnival has been held since 1886 in and around Rice Park in downtown Saint Paul. Family-friendly winter activities include a Snow Park, parades, Fire & Ice...
Artistry’s 2025 season will feature four musicals, starting off with Sweet Charity. Charity Hope Valentine is a hopeless romantic dance hall hostess living in New York City in the 1960s,...
U.S. Bank Stadium is opening to runners and inline skaters on Tuesday and Thursday evenings this winter! Winter Warm-Up is open to all ages and will be held on the...
The Art Shanty Projects is a unique and beloved annual winter event held on frozen Lake Harriet in Minneapolis. It transforms an icy landscape into an artistic village, where artists...
The Art Shanty Projects is a unique and beloved annual winter event held on frozen Lake Harriet in Minneapolis. It transforms an icy landscape into an artistic village, where artists...