Join Milo on a journey through the subway, where he discovers unexpected stories behind the faces he encounters. Experience his adventure unfold in a world-premiere musical, filled with vibrant songs...
Based on the classic children's book, The Snowy Day celebrates the magic of childhood and the season's first snow. This production by the Minnesota Opera will be held at the Ordway Center...
Missing your favorite vendors at the Bloomington Farmers Market? Our local market moves inside for four winter dates. Stock up on winter produce and purchase seasonal decor, locally-made crafts, and...
The Art Shanty Projects is a unique and beloved annual winter event held on frozen Lake Harriet in Minneapolis. It transforms an icy landscape into an artistic village, where artists...
Young STEM enthusiasts will enjoy attending Tech Fest at The Works Museum in Bloomington. At this special event, leading engineers, builders, and problem solvers from the local community will provide...
Minnesota Roller Derby will face off in bout 4 of their season, the Home Team Semifinals, at this fast-paced and fun event at Roy Wilkins Auditorium.
The Art Shanty Projects is a unique and beloved annual winter event held on frozen Lake Harriet in Minneapolis. It transforms an icy landscape into an artistic village, where artists...
Children's Theatre Company will preview its new show, Milo Imagines the World, during this month's Toddler Tuesdays. Enjoy some theatre games, crafts, and more fun activities!