Sketch comedy group Brave New Workshop presents its annual holiday show, Big Christmas Energy. Featuring new sketches and perennial favorites, including Brave New Workshop's version of The Twelve Days of Christmas, this hilarious and spirited performance is not to be missed.
Norway House's beloved gingerbread town, Gingerbread Wonderland, is a spectacular collection of community-curated gingerbread houses. This year, the 10th annual event, bakers are encouraged to embrace nostalgia and recreate their houses from previous years.
The Art Shanty Projects is a unique and beloved annual winter event held on frozen Lake Harriet in Minneapolis. It transforms an icy landscape into an artistic village, where artists and creators build whimsical, interactive shanties (ice houses) that serve as miniature art installations and performance spaces.
The Art Shanty Projects is a unique and beloved annual winter event held on frozen Lake Harriet in Minneapolis. It transforms an icy landscape into an artistic village, where artists and creators build whimsical, interactive shanties (ice houses) that serve as miniature art installations and performance spaces.
Hockey will be played the way nature intended at the annual U.S. Pond Hockey Championships at Lake Nokomis in nearby Minneapolis. Whether you're playing in the tournament or just spectating, this iconic Minnesotan event is full of fun and competition!
The Art Shanty Projects is a unique and beloved annual winter event held on frozen Lake Harriet in Minneapolis. It transforms an icy landscape into an artistic village, where artists and creators build whimsical, interactive shanties (ice houses) that serve as miniature art installations and performance spaces.
The Art Shanty Projects is a unique and beloved annual winter event held on frozen Lake Harriet in Minneapolis. It transforms an icy landscape into an artistic village, where artists and creators build whimsical, interactive shanties (ice houses) that serve as miniature art installations and performance spaces.
The two-day City of Lakes Loppet is a staple of winter in Minneapolis, with competitive and recreational winter sports races and unique outdoor events. Check out a new sport like skijoring, enjoy a candlelit night on Lake of the Isles, or just enjoy spending time outside during Minneapolis' beautiful winter season.
The Art Shanty Projects is a unique and beloved annual winter event held on frozen Lake Harriet in Minneapolis. It transforms an icy landscape into an artistic village, where artists and creators build whimsical, interactive shanties (ice houses) that serve as miniature art installations and performance spaces.
The Art Shanty Projects is a unique and beloved annual winter event held on frozen Lake Harriet in Minneapolis. It transforms an icy landscape into an artistic village, where artists and creators build whimsical, interactive shanties (ice houses) that serve as miniature art installations and performance spaces.
The Art Shanty Projects is a unique and beloved annual winter event held on frozen Lake Harriet in Minneapolis. It transforms an icy landscape into an artistic village, where artists and creators build whimsical, interactive shanties (ice houses) that serve as miniature art installations and performance spaces.
The Art Shanty Projects is a unique and beloved annual winter event held on frozen Lake Harriet in Minneapolis. It transforms an icy landscape into an artistic village, where artists and creators build whimsical, interactive shanties (ice houses) that serve as miniature art installations and performance spaces.