The Book of Mormon, the nine-time Tony Award®-winning Best Musical, is returning to the Twin Cities! This outrageous musical comedy follows the misadventures of a mismatched pair of missionaries, sent halfway across the world to spread the Good Word.
The Heart Sellers follows Luna and Jane as they attempt to cook a Thanksgiving meal together during their first holiday season in the United States. This poignant comedy, set eight years after the Hart-Celler Act of 1965, explores the Asian immigrant experience and...
All the Devils Are Here: How Shakespeare Invented the Villain is an Octopus Theatricals production that explores Richard III, Lady Macbeth, Claudius, and more. The play will be performed by acclaimed actor Patrick Page, known for his roles as iconic villains like...
The Guthrie will once again present a production of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, the perennial favorite that received a new adaptation by Crispin Whittell in 2010 and continues the Guthrie’s holiday tradition. 2024 marks 50 years of A Christmas Carol at the...
Hennepin Arts presents Steve-O, live at the State Theatre! Steve-O is best known as an original member of the hit MTV stunt show “Jackass”. He is now an actor and television personality.