Moose Mountain Adventure Golf is an 18-hole miniature golf course. The course features an original, whimsical design with an old-time northwoods feel, complete with life size moose, horses and more! Moose Mountain Adventure Golf also contains fun cartoon vehicles including a logging truck, steam time and bi-plane.
Mini Golf
Moose Mountain Adventure Golf
Well finally I was forced to go there because I promised my 9 year old grandson that I was going to take him Mini-Golfing and danged if the indoor course we went to was closed because it was rented out for an event.
Well I was shocked! Ok, first by the high price, but later to find that it was really an interesting, well designed course with each hole having unique challenges! It is NOT a course designed for small kids, I’m sure most of you know what I mean. one where you hit a ball, it goes down to the hole, and you tap it in for a 2. It is Challenging! You have to examine every hole. There are usually multiple ways to play each hole, with each way having advantages and disadvantages. Almost like a real golf course where you have to decide if you want to blast the ball 250 yards over a lake, or hit a safer shot to go around it, but costing you a shot.
I do think that there should be an age limit for playing this course. If you take your 4 year old thinking it is a Put-Put course YOU WILL CAUSE SEVERE BACKUPS. I would say 7 or 8 years should be the minimum age, maybe older if your kid is only used to playing put-put.
If you get on the course and find that your 10 year old isn’t ready for such a challenging course, you should either leave, play partners with a proficient person as a partner, or at a minimum have the decency to allow groups behind you to play through at EVERY HOLE. I can see how a single group of people not up to the challenge could add an extra hour to the play time, and there is no way for groups behind them to skip a hole to get past them, making it an awful experience for everyone behind them.
I have seen a number of complaints about the staff. The staff told us about the backup at the first hole. They said a 25 minute wait. They were wrong, more like a 10 minute wait. 25 minute would have been a backup past the registers that a person could clearly have seen prior to buying a ticket. Other than that wait there was a backup on one hole that took about 10 minutes, and we sailed after we got past that one hole. Interaction with the staff is so minimal, taking about 3 minutes at the most that it is hard to complain. Yeah, they didn’t force feed us a scorecard that was sitting out there to grab, but the Lame 1st hole’s end is 20 feet from the cards and pencils…. Just a good design.
Also, don’t go with six people and jam up the course. Split the group. That is just common sense for anyone who knows golf etiquette.
It certainly isn’t the best minigolf experience but it is at least one of the best indoor experiences.
definitely do not come on a busy day