Chris Martin is a British stand-up comedian, actor, and writer. With TV credits like The Late Late Show with James Corden and Live at the Comedy Store, he’s also known...
Host of Barstool Sports’ “Son of a Boy Dad” podcast, Lil Sasquatch is also a stand-up comedian who has recently found widespread acclaim on YouTube. See Lil Sasquatch perform at...
Ryan Long, an NYC comedian, has garnered over a billion views on his viral YouTube videos and hosts the popular podcast "The Boyscast with Ryan Long." He’s appeared on major...
Eleanor Kerrigan honed her comedic chops at the world-famous Comedy Store, transitioning from waitress to standout performer with encouragement from Andrew Dice Clay. Known for her bold, street-smart humor inspired...
Matty Chymbor, a Los Angeles-based comedian and actor, is known for his observational humor, quirky banter, and unique sound effects. With 14 years of stand-up experience and over 100 million...
Josh Wolf, a comedian, actor, and writer, is known for his sharp humor, on display during his stand-up tours and appearances on TV shows like Chelsea Lately and My Name...
Malik Elassal, a Lebanese-Canadian actor, writer, and comedian, has swiftly risen in the comedy scene, winning Top Comic in Calgary and performing at prestigious events like Just for Laughs. Named...
Trae Crowder gained fame in 2016 with his viral “Liberal Redneck” porch rants and has since written a best-selling book, toured nationwide, and appeared on major media platforms. Now based...
Kansas City native Funny Marco is a rising entertainer with over 10 million social media followers, redefining comedy with viral videos and brand collaborations with Spotify, BET, and Fashion Nova....
Irish comedian Colum Tyrrell is one of New York City's rising comedy stars, performing regularly at venues like The Comedy Cellar and The Stand. Known for his podcasting presence on...
New York City comedian Lucas Zelnick has captivated audiences with his punchy stand-up, garnering over 100 million views and 500K followers on Instagram and TikTok. In 2023, he headlined the...
Gus Constantellis, a Greek-American comedian and writer from Brooklyn, is known for his humor on immigrant family life, Greek heritage, and dating experiences. Performing nationwide and hosting a popular new...