Shuler King, a comedian, actor, and licensed funeral director, has become an internet sensation with his relatable, humorous takes on pop culture, amassing over 2 million followers online. Touring nationwide...
Frankie “TRIXX” Agyemang is a rising star in Canada’s comedy scene, known for his unapologetic humor on topics like pop culture, relationships, and race. A multiple-time comedy award winner, he’s...
Erik Griffin, best known for his role as Montez Walker on Workaholics and as a regular on Showtime’s I’m Dying Up Here, is a multifaceted comedian, actor, writer, and podcaster....
Michael Rapaport is an accomplished American actor and comedian, known for his roles in over sixty films since the early 1990s, including True Romance, Cop Land, and The Heat, as...
Comedian Jiaoying Summers is known for her unapologetic, dark humor that turns childhood trauma into comedy gold. As the first Chinese comedian to headline the Apollo Theater, she has amassed...